Hello Tiberius Project, thank you so much for giving Blizz Of Rock this
First of all Dibih, Im honored to talk to the lead singer behind the
great rock band Tiberius Project
When was the band Tiberius Project formed? What is the story behind the name?
Thanks, great band, wow! We are working for this ...
When we were teenagers, we formed some bands to play for friends, but I had to stop because of studies and work. Dennis didn't stop to play and formed good bands, he created his own studio to record songs.
In 2007, Dennis went to my home, told me about the studio, I got some old lyrics and songs. We went to the studio, worked with the stuff, then the T-project was born.
Why Tiberius Project? This is an interesting question, peoples ask us about this ... Tiberius was the Roman Emperor? To tell the truth, we are fans of Star Trek. Do you remember the captain of the space ship Enterprise? His name is James Tiberius Kirk.
If Ive done my homework, you released your first album in 2007
named Dream Over; How did that come about?
Why Dream Over ??? When you loose a girlfriend, when we loose a good job, when we see men killing men, when we see the human being killing the oceans, rivers and forests, when you watch on TV people dying, starvation, wars, terrorism ... Our dream to see a better world is finished, it's over.
Where Does Tiberius Project get their influence?
Wow! This is a long story, we've liked Metal since age 15, but 80's Metal is our influence: Exodus, Dio, Iron Maiden, Taurus, Slayer, Kreator and so on.
How many albums have Tiberius Project released?
Until now? Dream Over, just this one so far.
Where may we find the albums, where could we buy the music from Tiberius
We send cds for radios and magazines, when they ask us. It's possible download it from:
www.myspace.com/tiberiusproject or contact www.anaitesrecords.com.
Do you have a favorite among your songs/albums?
Hey! Sincerely, I prefer to not answer this question, persons have different opinions, I like all of them (songs), but the radio shows are playing “Total Madness”, “You Bitch!” and “Avenger”.
Is there any new albums coming up?
We are thinking about going to studio to record a new album. The first one was experimental, but now, we will do what our public wants. All I have to say is that we want more speed, heavy, power and strong lyrics.
Is it possible to see Tiberius Project live on tour?
We are spreading the Tiberius Project name around the world. People are giving us a really nice feed back. Radios are asking for and playing our songs. And now, You (Ove) and Blizz of Rock from Norway are giving us the opportunity to talk about T-project with this interview, I think we are following the right path.
Yes, we want go for a Live Tour. This is our dream, but now, it's not the moment. We need continue working to get a solid image. We want to do the best for Metal and friends, for this, we need structure and money. Musicians and instruments are expansive, only passion and hard work don't move the world. A live tour, before was a dream, today is a possibility.
Any bands or artists you would love to have with you on your tour?
To tell the truth, all bands that love and play Metal with passion will be welcome to play with T-project.
If there was one place in the world wide that you could play Dibih , where would that be?
Indonesia, Germany and Norway!
What's your opinion about the Rock 'n' roll is coming back? (If it ever were gone)
Rock'n' Roll is forever. The producers, radios and tv shows should give more space for the underground world. The true Rock'n'Roll is living there, on the dark, waiting a chance to come to the light. Fuck off the commercialism, long live the true Rock'n'Roll.
A lot of peoples are writing to us, all kind of ages. T-project doesn't mind if you are 8 or 80 years old, Rock'n'Roll knows no age!
Norway! A Beautiful Iced Land with a well educated and civilized people. T-project would bring for you a concert from hell! I would invite Satan to watch our glorification. (joke)
Ove, a concert in Norway would be a great honor for us, we are working, when this happen, we will do our best for a great concert for the Norwegians .
Is there a funny story you could share with us?
Hey! We need more time and drink some beers, We have a lot of funny stories!
Years ago Dennis told me about a bad dream. In his dreams he playes and formed a lot of bands, without success. In Dennis' dream I formed only one band, with great repercussion. Maybe Dennis is a Clairvoyant.
What do you think of myspace? Is myspace a good place for a band/artist?
The Internet has good sites for artists, but I think the best one is Myspace.
Any instruments you would love to play that you don't?
It's very easy for me to write lyrics and create melodies. I studied theater, I have singing lessons. To tell the truth, I never had patience with instruments, but when I am writing lyrics, I imagine the melody and the whole song. For a great musician like Dennis Martins it is easy to create the arrangements.
What is the highlight of your careers as rock musicians?
A lot of bands are trying their place under the sun, Dennis and I have other activities, T-project is a kind of hobby. We never imagined the feed back that persons from all over the world are giving for us. We never imagined that international radios would put T-project songs on rotation. We never imagined that a nice guy from Norway (Ove), the Blizz Of Rock, would have interest in doing an interview with us, this is our highlight.
Anyone you would love to meet, that you have not met yet?
I would like to have time to travel more, to know the Norwegian Fjords, Oslo or Wall of China. I'd like to know other cultures and persons. I'd like to drink some beers with Bruce Dickinson, Dio, Ove ... All persons have interesting stories to tell.
What is your opinion about the Blizz Of Rock?
It's possible to find really good stuffs on the site: interviews, radio show, photos! The site is for those who loves good Rock 'N' Roll Music! Cool!
Hey friends! Take a look on site www.blizzofrock.com, it's a cool place to get informations about Rock, give special attention to the lyrics. Ove is a really good song writer.
T-project would like to say thanks to Blizz of Rock and Ove for giving us this opportunity.
Blizz of rock wishes Tiberius Project all the best, take care Dibih