Band Members
Gitar:Micke/Janne Bass/Vocal:Tommy
Drums ('n' Coffee):Kenneth
Website for the band is:
Interview with Micke and Janne from One Finger Short by Ove
Hi guys, It’s about time people get to know One Finger Short
Thank you so much for giving Blizz Of Rock this interview
OFS: Thank you too!!
One Finger Short is strange name for a band, why this name?
Janne: To make a long story short , we lost one guy in the band , first we where 5 , now we are 4.
Micke: And there is no cliché about the name (Thank God) , no Dragons , no Steel etc , etc
When was the band One Finger Short formed?
OFS: It was formed 1988 , then the band died 1992 .
In year 2000 we started all over again.
I must admit that the first time I saw the picture of OFS, I was kind of thinking. “Oh my god, what place is this, are they lost?” But then…. I was totally blown away.. The song “We will fight” was played and I had to get a grip. This is a masterpiece. Who wrote this song?
Micke: ha ha ha ha ha!!! I remember the comment you wrote , thank you for changing your mind about us.
Janne: I came up with main riff , and the other guy was also blown away hahahaha!!! Then we made the rest of the tune
with the great 80s in mind.
If you ask me, OFS is one of the bands who really know how to create awesome riffs, who makes this riffs, and where do you get your influence ?
OFS: Micke, Janne and Tommy
Janne: mostly Micke
Micke: ha ha I cant help it , I just love to create.
OFS: The 70s and the 80s is an inspiration force.
OFS created a song a few month back, called Escaping Hell tell me about it.
OFS: nothing to tell actually , we met a guy called Wes (USA) on myspace , and he asked us to do the music to his lyrics.
We saw it as a challenge , because the lyrics was written as a poem.
I am a lucky guy who actually have your cd. This is one of the best cd’s I have in my collection. Can’t say how many times I’ve listen to “Here upon my grave”
Is it possible to buy the cd or purchase any songs from websites such as ITunes?
OFS: Thank you Ove , you can not purchase the cd yet
We have plans to enter a studio to do a real recording , then maybe
Are you guys working on some new great tunes at the moment?
OFS: 2 new tunes are ready to be recorded , and 2 more is in the making.
When will we see One finger short on tour?
OFS: Have not got a clue.
What sort of age group are you attracting to your gigs?
OFS: Does not really matters.
If it was one place in the world where OFS would love to play, where would that be?
OFS: NORWAY!!!!!!!ha ha ha ha
What is your opinion about the good old rock ‘n’ roll coming back? (if it were ever gone)
OFS: That’s great , a lot of thanks to playstation for creating guitar hero , it is a great opportunity for ordinary people get to know great riffs and bring good old rock
back to our homes again..
Is there a funny/interesting/strange episode(s) that you would love to share with us?
OFS: ha ha ha ha ha nothing to tell actually , ha ha ha
If you got the chance to have a concert in Norway, what could we expect from OFS?
You all have been doing this a long time, what has been the highlight of your careers as rock musicians?
OFS. The day we met a guy called OVE
Anyone you would love to meet, that you haven’t met yet?
Janne: Eddie van Halen , Ozzy
Micke: Neal Morse , Mark Spiro , Roine Stolt (Flower Kings) and John Waite
Where do you go pretty much every time you get online?
OFS: To answer mail and comments , and to make new connections .
What is your opinions of Blizz Of Rock?
OFS: BLIZZ OF ROCK is a great place ,
Fantastic job Ove
Thank you guys, for using time to answer these questions.
OFS: Thank you too Ove
Blizz Of Rock wish One Finger Short good luck with the new tunes, let it be Rock ‘n’ Roll