BOR Recommend

Finally some updates on the Recommendation of Music albums!

So many great albums and artists. Whenever we come across a good album it will end up here.

Will try our best to keep it to Rock N Roll Music

They are mostly linked to Amazon, so you can listen and even buy their songs

Radio is back 24/7

Oh yes, Ove Lund is wondering if he shall come back and do some live shows again. Things are looking better and there is ton of new music that need to be played! And ofcourse good ol music as well

Interview with Tom Bullot and Sticky Boys

Check out this great band Sticky Boys and the fantastic drummer Tom Bullot

P.S!!! Sorry Tom for taking so long!!! You rock my friend!!! And thank you again !!! YOU ROCK!!

Interview with Tommy Rockit and Stone Trigger

Proud to give you an interview with Stone Trigger
You can check out the interview right here

Interview with El Mapache

Blizz Of Rock Proudly bring you an interview with the Norwegian Rock N Roll band El Mapache.

Feel free to share the interview

To read the interview click HERE

Bringing people together

We’re here to play your music. To promote bands and artists

“Old” Radio who still have a lot of listeners! TUNE IN or Join chat when DJ’s are online.